3 Ways To Groom Train Your Puppy

If you have a new puppy it is a good idea to start grooming training early. Starting grooming training early means that your puppy will be more receptive to being groomed as they grow into adulthood. This will make the process easier for you and your puppy when the time comes for you to take care of their grooming needs.

How Do You Teach Your Puppy To Remain Calm During Grooming?

When you first attempt to groom your puppy they may fight you. It is important that no matter how much the puppy attempts to pull away from you that you do not let go. If you let go of your puppy when they start struggling with you at grooming time then your puppy will learn that fighting you works and will adapt this pattern of behavior whenever you attempt to groom them. By exercising control of your puppy early, they will realize struggling is not an option and that grooming is not an unpleasant event, especially if you are gentle when grooming.

How Do You Get Your Puppy Accustomed To Grooming Equipment?

Get out your electric clippers and turn them on so that your puppy get accustomed to the sound that they make. Many puppy's become startled by the sound of this piece of grooming equipment and getting them used to the sound that it makes will help to make it easier for you to use it on them when the time comes. If you plan to use a blow dryer during grooming, you should turn on the blow dryer that you plan to use when the puppy is in the room. The sound of blow dryers often present a challenge so getting your puppy used to its sound will make life easier when you have to use it to dry their coat.

How Can You Teach Your Puppy To Stand Still During Grooming?

In order to groom your puppy properly it will be necessary for them to stand still at least some of the time. This is a skill that you can teach your puppy very early on. You can teach your puppy to stand still when you ask by holding your hand under their belly and telling them to stand up. Once you have the puppy in a standing position, keep your hand under their belly until they stay calm for at least a minute. Practice this often with your puppy in order to teach them to remain still and calm.

Helping your puppy to get used to grooming can be a challenge but if you start training them early you can eliminate many grooming challenges. Contact local groomers, such as Abraxas Pet Resort, that you know will be gentle and efficient with your pet.

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No One to Watch Your New Puppy? Find Tips Here

Having a new puppy in the home isn't always a walk in the park when you have to work full time. Like human children, puppies require a great deal of care, love and attention to grow up healthy, strong and healthy. Because of these reasons, it's important to take your beloved puppy to pet day care. Pet day care is a unique place that feeds, houses, plays, and loves your puppy while you work or travel. My blog explains how pet day care works, what you may expect from it and how it helps you and your puppy be happy. If you're ready to stop worrying about your newest addition to the family, read my blog. Good luck to you and your pet.


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